Wednesday, December 28, 2016

 Hello everyone!!!! Merry Christmas!!! Hope you all had a good
This week was pretty good.  B Rauch went out of town
 so we did a lot more walking than normal! But I liked it, it was good!
 We talked to a lot of people so that was good!
 On Thursday nights we play basketball with some less active guys and there haven't been
any pretty much for a long time but elder Barton and I have been talking
 it up for a few weeks and this week we had like 20 guys show up!! It
 was cool! Also they were all Tongan so that was sweet 😂.
Then we had Lopaka's baptism on Saturday and that was AWEOSME!!!! He is such a
 great kid! He was really excited and it was a great baptism!! Elder
 Barton did the baptism! Then he next day I had the chance to confirm
 him. It was such a great experience! The spirit was really strong the
 whole Christmas program that followed!! Church was super good!
 This was a really good week!! Oh and we got our transfer info and I'm
 staying in Saint John's for another 6weeks at least! So that's dope!
 Merry Christmas everyone let me know if you guys have any questions!
Here's a picture I got while walking.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Hey y'all this week has been crazy! It snowed pretty early on this
week and it stayed below freezing so we've had snow all week! So that
was fun! During the middle of the week elder Barton got sick so we
stayed in a lot, so that was kinda weird. We are back in action now
 Lopaka had his baptismal interview yesterday so that was
pretty awesome he's getting baptized this week on Christmas Eve!! I'm
stoked! He is such a great kid! Also this week we were teaching Sammy
the WoW. And she was good with it. So we finished that lesson and went
and got some coffee.....  we went to get hot chocolate and elder
Barton wanted to try the white hot chocolate at Starbucks so B Rauch
went in to get it and he asked for the white chocolate and so they gave
him white mochas we found out pretty quick it wasn't hot chocolate
and got rid of it  but B Rauch felt so bad for giving the
missionaries coffee.  I was just laughing so hard because we had
just taught the Word of Wisdom  so that was pretty exciting!
Not much else really happened this week!
Oh,I went on exchanges with the district leader and that was a lot of fun!
He's a really cool guy and he's also the Spanish elder so I was in Spanish lessons all night
and I didn't understand a lot  but it was good we had a good time and
the spirit was the same! It was cool to see people feeling the sprint
even though I couldn't talk to them! So that was good! Talk to you all
later let me know if you have questions! Hers the only picture I took
this week

Hey everyone!! This week has been pretty good! Crazy but good! Firstly
we had snow on Thursday!!!

It was pretty dang awesome!!! Also I got a hat as you can see and it looks kinda
funny in this picture but it's warm and that's all that matters right? plus ninja 
mask! So yeah that was an adventure!!
The second day we had a bunch of freezing rain
which basically means it was so cold the rain hit the ground and froze so we had 
a bunch of ice and all the snow was turned to ice. Everyone was freaking out 
hardcore when they saw the snow and then the ice! Like nobody went anywhere for
three or four days!! Prime time to do some door knocking and contacting.
We contacted a lot of people!! It was awesome! Blessings from heaven. 
We also had a lesson with Lopaka this week and at the end we had a dance party.  

He is such a great kid!! I really feel blessed to have the chance to teach him! He understands everything pretty well and he is so sweet and loving! Also lessons with Presley (the 9yr old girl we are teaching the after baptism lessons to) are going pretty good she was sick two Sunday's ago so she was pretty tired and a lot calmer than normal on Monday for our lesson! So we got a more taught than normal 😂.

Anywhos so on Saturday we had a ward Christmas party and it was pretty great! We had a lot of less actives and investigators show up! Here are some pictures
This is Sammy and her daughter Kaylee!   Lopaka with Santa.


And I don't have any pictures but I wore that hat to the party 😂😂
So yeah 😂 it was a ton of fun!
Plus Sammy brought a friend who has twin sons! His name is Kenneth and he is Awesome!! We invited him church and he was really excited and he talked about how he was having a really hard day the day of the ward Christmas party and as soon as he walked in the doors he felt calm and peace! It was awesome! Also he came to church the next day and I was teaching him about the restoration some and we also talked about it in the first class he was at and he totally liked it and accepted it! Also he went to elders quorum he like bore his testimony on how recently he's been going through some hard things and how he decided to "turn it all over to Christ" and seek help from him in all he does and how his life improved drastically when he started doing that! He even talked about how he relapsed into "trying to do life by himself" and how he felt the difference and decided to stay relying on Jesus Christ and let him "fight his fights". It was awesome! He's meeting with us this week and I'm really excited about that! He's a great guy!!

So yeah that's pretty much the week. Today we had an all day Christmas meeting for the whole mission so that why I'm emailing so late! Have a good week everyone! Keep in touch and let me know if you have any questions! Love ya all!

Elder Caleb Dewald

Thursday, December 8, 2016


December 5

Hello everyone! How y'all doing this week? This week has been pretty
busy! We've done a ton of stuff to try and find new investigators.                                                   We've been knocking doors and and contacting people in our area,
book and street contacting a lot! And I'm getting better at
talking to people and teaching lessons! So we've been teaching this
girl named Presley and she's 9 and she is a recent convert and she is
supper sassy but she is a good girl and it's fun to teach her!

Kayla is another girl we are teaching she is super cool and she is
progressing super fast. She is always reading her scriptures and
sending us texts asking about scriptures and it's super awesome to
watch her progress. In the lesson we had with her in Monday last week
we talked a lot about baptisms for the dead. She talked about her
grandpa and how she wants to have his work done for him. She talked
about when she went to the temple she felt like him and also a friend
she had when she was young who died were there and how they wanted
her to get baptized and do the work for them. She thought we might
think that was weird but we just bore our testimonies about temples
and the work that's done there and told her how amazing that was. She
was gonna be baptized on Christmas Eve but she wants to move it up now
because she has friends going out of town that she wants to be there.
So we are probably gonna be doing that sooner which is awesome!

Lopaka the 10 year old we are teaching is progressing super well! 
He always says how he wants to live with God and be in the celestial kingdom and it's so

On a sad note one of our investigators, James who was on date
for New Years is unsure now because he went and visited his dad in
Nebraska and his dad basically said he would never talk to him if he
got baptized and so he said he wouldn't. So that's sad but we fasted
for him yesterday so we'll see how it goes from here.

Last night we went over to a members house and had dinner with James and watched the
Christmas devotional so that was good and he seemed to like it so
that's good! This week has been really rainy and cold but I'm loving
it! The lord is blessing us a lot and it's cool to see! Here are some
pictures from the week. (The pictures are at the top.)


Sunday, December 4, 2016

November 28, 2016

Hey yo everyone! This week has been pretty good! We taught a young
girl named Presley who is about 11 last Monday night and she is really funny
and super sassy.
 We had a training meeting on Tuesday and it was
really good! Everyone talked a lot about how important it was to have
the spirit and work hard it was really good! Later we taught a less
active man, Brother White and he's a really cool guy! Then on Wednesday we taught this awesome investigator named Kayla  and the lesson went really well. We taught about the plan of salvation and she understood everything! She's getting baptized on Christmas Eve so
that's awesome.
We also taught this young boy and his name is Lopaka! Who, fun fact, is also getting baptized on Christmas Eve which is pretty awesome! He is so fun to teach! And he says the funniest things!         Like he was talking to Elder Barton about Pokémon ( He LOVES Pokémon) and they were talking about what the strongest move was and Elder Barton was like "well my Pokémon would use ( I'm not sure exactly what he said but insert move here) and then Lopaka, who we just taught the plan of salvation to and who was holding one of those Jesus passalong cards was like " Oh yeah? Jesus use judgment!"  Everybody died it was so freaking funny!  He is such an awesome kid! I think him and Daniel would be really good friends!  So that was a really good day!

 Thanksgiving we had a zone meeting and that was really good! Then later at about 1 we went            over to the house of some members for dinner and we weren't supposed to go out so we ended up spending the whole day playing card/board games and eating food there! It was a lot of fun!

 Friday we helped this less active lady who was moving into our ward move her stuff over to her    new apartment. It was an interesting move! She didn't live in the nicest house before.                  There were a lot of people there and let's just say they were not keeping the word of
wisdom.  But she moved in with her parents now so that's good!

Saturday was Elder Barton's birthday! And we had a zone breakfast! Then later we went out to lunch for Elder Barton's bday and we had a good time. Then that night we took a less active man to the temple and that was really good! He's kinda old and blind and can't hear very well so teaching him has been interesting! But the Portland temple has a place called the atrium just inside the temple that anyone can go in and he went in there with B- Rauch.  He definitely felt the spirit so that was good.  It made it a lot easier to teach him!
 And Sunday was good! We had stake conference last week so this was my first normal week so I got to meet all the people and it was good! So overall a good week! I'm getting a lot better at talking to everyone we meet and teaching so I'm happy about that! This gospel is true! And it brings people happiness! I know that with all my heart and I'm excited to keep sharing it!
Elder Caleb Dewald

 Here's a picture from Thanksgiving of us playing Jenga.