This week was super cool! We had a Tongan birthday party on Saturday because it was our dinner so we went to that and it was crazy!!! They had 20 roasted pigs!! Which by the way is super good!! I even got to eat the brain so that was exciting! I'll send a picture of what they put on my plate for me to eat! The birthday party was for a 1 year old
cause I guess that's a really important birthday in Tongan culture!
And some of the siblings drove the little girl in in a little
carriage! A freaking remote control carriage!! It was sweet!!
And there was a bunch of different Tongan and Samoan dances and stuff. It was bomb!!
Then yesterday we had another huge dinner with a family in the ward for Mother's Day!! And we had pig again!! It was really good! So I've been eating a ton a sweet food this week! And I'm excited to try more interesting and delicious things!
One of our investigators who is on date for baptism was at church and she had a really good time! I just met her and so I don't know her well, but I guess she was talking to the mom of her boyfriend ( who's
a member in our ward) and she said she wants to go on a mission so that is pretty sweet! We are excited for the people we are teaching they are all really great and ready for he gospel!!
Other than that not much else happened this week!
I love y'all!! Let me know if any of y'all have questions!!
May 8, 2017
This week has been bomb!! It was hard to leave all of my friends that I
made in St. John's but I still cover that area too so hopefully I'll
see them around! Shout out to B Rauch!!
I'm in the rose city ward the Tongan ward and it's a blast!!! I've already had some pretty awesome Tongan food and I'm loving the people they are super loving and the members are super missionary minded so they are helping us find a bunch of cool investigators!! So that's sweet and super helpful!! We
also have some bomb investigators who are super solid! We taught one
at church and she is dating one of the members and her mom told her before she came that if she went (to church) not to come home.. and
she came anyway! That is a lot of faith and dedication and it was
amazing! We had a good lesson with her during the second hour of
church and we talked about that and the plan of salvation and
it was super cool! Our ward mission leader had the same thing happen
with his family when he joined the church. So he just testified to her
that it would bring more happiness in the long run and even though her
family didn't accept it she was doing the right thing by setting an
example for them! It was awesome and super spiritual!!! Also church
was awesome!!! We sang all the hymns in Tongan and the whole thing was
in Tongan!! I loved singing in Tongan though it brought a powerful
I'm gonna have to learn more Tongan though!! I'm looking forward to it
Other than that I'm just being stuffed full of food everywhere I go!
All the Tongan people want to feed us (and not a little- a ton) and
help us! They are so loving and it's a really humbling experience!
They also have a tone of faith! It's just awesome!!
Oh, also I got to drive today!!! I've missed it so much! I'm
looking forward to driving a lot more now!!
I can't think of much else right now and I have to get going. Love you
all!! Hope everyone has a great week!!
Talk to y'all later!!
Also I've been reading the New Testament and I really loved Matthew
16!! It was super good!
Elder Caleb Dewald
May1, 2017
Hey y'all!!! This week was pretty good!! We did a bunch of
service!!!! We helped someone clean out there back yard and up a bunch
of junk from inside the house!
And also from their secret hole in the side of the house that is called the dirt side of the basement!
was crazy but fun! We also helped someone move! And at was pretty cool
they had this house that was 125 years old!!! It was pretty crazy!!
It better!
We also had a great lesson with our other investigators Christine and Jordan!! It's been a good spiritual week!
came on this week and I'm going to the Rose City Tongan ward!! I'm
super excited to serve there!! Here are some great talks I read this
According to the "Desire of [Our] Hearts”, "The Greatest among You"
Sorry it's short this week but I gotta go! Tell ya more next week!
Love y'all!!
Elder Caleb Dewald
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